Healthcare & IT in 2015

December 19th, 2014

Healthcare is an ever-changing landscape. Healthcare providers must be active, if not proactive, when it comes to meeting HIPAA privacy and security regulations and understanding changes coming down the line (many of which are just starting to be enforced).

Get out in front of 2015 with these great resources that detail what you can expect from the healthcare world in the coming months.

  1. What to Expect in Healthcare Information Technology in 2015. This is a great write up of what healthcare IT will look like in the new year and beyond.
  2. In 2015, the Office of Inspector General will target HIPAA compliance.
  3. Starting on January 1st, physicians will be paid on value, not volume. states that, “A new provision will tie physician payments to the quality of care they provide.”
  4. Another January 1st change: employers with 50 or more full time equivalent employees must provide health care coverage to those full time workers.

Going into 2015, these are the things that you should be aware of related to healthcare, healthcare information technology, and the ever-changing technology surrounding both.

To learn more about how AGJ meets HIPAA standards, performs Risk Assessments, and securely manages your healthcare IT, visit our Healthcare Services page at